
By dunkyc


I have became aware of late that regions of my body, which I had previously thought stable are now become somewhat…jiggly.

There are certain parts of a man, which do move and sway with the natural rhythms of the body, but these particular bits should most certainly not jiggle as they do. A heroic intake of sweets, cakes and fatty foods do not seem to have helped anyway, so today I hauled my jiggly behind out of the chair, crowbarred my man boobs into a sports bra and headed out for a run.

It was exhilarating and horrific in equal measure. I feel I must apologise to any of the good citizens of Kendal who had the misfortune to chance upon the sight of my sorry, sweaty jiggling behind as I completed my run.

The first one after a while is always the hardest, but I did it and I’m sure I will feel the benefit of it…..at some point.

The wee ones had fun today though. My parents took them off for a tutorial session at the Kendal Climbing wall and apparently they took to it like the proverbial ducks to vertical water (the wee ones, not my parents). 

Today’s blip comes courtesy of my mother and is offered up as proof that they can work together! 

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