It's BACK....

We knew it couldn't last - all that spring-like weather ... after all, it IS February...and those cute little snow drops that bravely came forth last week? They have been reminded of that, and are now literally buried in snow!

The snow, whipped by vicious winds during the night, had left a smooth, pristine blanket of snow with interesting drift patterns, and little canyons around shrubs. I should have been out there with my camera before that photo-worthy blanket was disturbed, trampled by dog-walkers, pushed about by snow ploughs and eager beavers with their shovels...but alas, I missed that opportunity; I didn't manage to get my camera out until after my snow-removal team had arrived......hence, a not-so-lovely snow photo for my blip..but one that reflects the downside of all that white stuff- the digging out!

As everyone in snow country knows, snow plough drivers are evil. They like to lurk out of sight, waiting until they can see that driveways have been cleared and then, and only then, do they show up to clear the street, dumping a huge snowbank at the bottom of your already-cleared driveway, blocking you in again...

This morning, the plough had already cleared the other side of the street, but had not yet returned to do our side...This did not bode well...Playing along with the cat and mouse game, my snow removal folks deliberately hung around for a while having a coffee after they had the driveway cleared, snow blowers at the ready, waiting for the plough ...but of course, they could only wait so long..and then, just after they had driven away, along came the plough...Foiled again. 

And guess who was left holding the shovel? Moi! 

You just can't win...

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