
By mollyblobs

Looking up

I just managed to catch the naturalised Snowdrops at Old Sulehay Forest more or less at their peak. As you can see it was a bright and sunny morning and at this point I was really enjoying my walk. 

Things went downhill a bit after I made a diversion to see a particularly fine swathe of Snowdrops, missed my return path and ended up in the middle of a fallen tree. I should have turned back at that point, but thought I could pick my way through it. I was doing OK until a low, hidden branch tripped me and I came crashing down, skinning my shins on one of the downed branches. I nearly gave up at that point, but decided to be brave and eventually the excruciating pain eased. 

As I left the wood I was aware of a slight w-shaped shimmer in my eye, and suspected that this was the start of a migraine, possibly caused by the bright sunlight flickering through the trees. Luckily the shimmer faded quickly so I was able to drive home, dropping into Sainsbury's on the way back. I felt a bit odd as I went round the store and was aware of pain developing in my right temple. Fortunately, after a cup of coffee and a couple of painkillers, the migraine receded and I was able to enjoy a lovely Caribbean themed family meal in the evening.

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