DENTAL UPDATE - I eventually go through at 4.30 and managed to get an appointment for this Friday afternoon - yikes - now I will be quaking in me boots!!!!

Well  that is mostly what my day has consisted of!!!!!

It started off well with a great Qigong session with C and Gladders.  

Now today my back tooth has started to niggle me so I thought our current dentist is still seeing NHS patients until 1st April so I thought I would ring to try and get an appointment!!!!  I can't even get them to answer the phone!!.  It would appear that they have already abandoned their NHS  line and the only option is a mobile number which was given when advising us of the change.  Even then they're not answering but do at least have a voicemail message asking us to leave a mssage - so I have done.  I wonder if I will get a response at all!!!

Allegedly they are going private "for the sake of the patients" - load of bunkum I say - but then I would wouldn't I!!!  We have no option but to go private so  I'm also trying to register with them for that as well as get a final NHS appointment.  

I will  have to find something else to gvie up so we can afford the monthly payments but at least we can do taht.  There are plenty of people on  low incomes or with families, or both that just can't  do it at all.  Tim  Farron is on the case and doing what he can but noone else seems to care.

That's just how I feel about it - trying not to be unkind but when you've got a bit of a toothache and need to see a dentist you don't expect such a battle.

Anyway the crocuses in the garden cheered me up a little.  All of a sudden there is several of them blooming beautifully in the front garden.  I thought this looked a little like an enamalled brooch so I've got rid of the background to make the beautiful colours shine more.

Thank you all so much for the lovely comments, stars AND hearts for yesterdays Morecambe Bay blip.  I can't really take too much credit that was Mother Nature being kind, but at least  I did have to take the  photo and edit it!!

That's all from me for today.  I hope you are all well and staying safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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