
After yesterdays hectic schedule I thought today would be a bit more productive, preparing for concert on Sunday and rehearsing today. Days have their own dynamics though. A slow morning led to a late runthrough of songs for Sunday, now I know I can perform the songs in a good way, all I need is to is practice the lyrics, one of my weak points.

I have problems with a corn on my left foot that needs attendance every three months. I made an appointment for today at the foot-treatment place I go to and they wanted me there by one. It's in Kalmar so going there and back plus treatment is at least two hours which meant my preparation for this evenings rehearsal would be shorter. Good opportunity for an unusual blip, having my foot treated, I thought but of course I forgot about it during the treatment. No picture were taken during rehearsal either.

The blip is from this evenings excursions on Netflix where I was flicking through some music documentaries, none of which I watched to the end. Nice ending to yet another day of too many disparate activities.

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