The Tiny Tuesday theme today is Textiles so Ive blipped my Harris Tweed brooch. The tweed was hand woven in the Outer Hebrides.  Thanks to cathy1947 for hosting.

Today was a cold day and we has quite a bit of snow.  It was snowing heavily when I walked down to the village.  That didn't bother me - I would rather have fresh snow than rain.  I had a nice warm coat on plus scarf, gloves and hat and I was fine.   Collected my repeat prescription, did some shopping in Herons and Tesco and picked up a parcel at Tesco while I was there.

Ive added an Extra of two photos I took of the Glebe field which I passed when I was out. Fresh snow always looks lovely.  Hopefully it doesn't freeze overnight causing the paths to be slippy tomorrow.

Did a load of washing when I got home.  Watched TV this evening.

Steps today - 7,966

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