The Cardinal Rules....

Despite the sunshine, it was an indoor day for me, focused on things like sorting out painting supplies and pallettes, and working on my usual computer activities. Sunshine yes, but still cold and I am just not into the cold these days - I guess I have been spoiled by those one or two days of mild weather? 

By the end of the day I had not taken a single photo, and was thinking that perhaps I would just skip today's blip, when I looked out and spied a flash of red in the shrub at the edge of my deck. 

The elusive Mr. Cardinal was sheltering from the cold wind in there, huddled inside all those branches, making him a challenging fellow to photograph.....but why not try? And why not try with my new camera that, for me, is still a challenge in itself? It took quite a few tries to focus on anything but the branches, but I did get a couple of usable shots.  

I didn't notice until later in edit, that Mr. Cardinal seemed a bit peeved? At me? At having his photo taken? Talk about an Angry Bird! But then, I realized that both feeders were empty! I had not ventured out in the cold to fill them today perhaps that was his problem? 

Oops. Mea Culpa...I will remedy that tomorrow.... 

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