
What a difference a day makes.  Complete opposite from yesterday.  Decided not to go out but have a play.  Macro was on the agenda.  It didn't work out so I decided to leave macro for another day rather than push on.
A couple of weeks ago our camera club had a speaker on astro-photography.  Interesting, but not my scene yet.  There is to much to understand on earth first.  Anyway here is my take on that subject.  Thankfully (as far as we know) nobody has 'Been lost in space' and drifted away for eternity.    My universe is made from bubbles and different food colouring and the bubble are made from stirring washing up liquid and experimenting where to put the light and using a clear dish.  The astronaut was from a photo I took in a cathedral, which was holding a space exhibition!  He was copied, resized and given different positions as if drifting.
Thanks for sharing my day, but I hope you like the alternative.  Macro tomorrow?  We'll see.

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