Travelling Back In Time

Waited till the afternoon to go to the courthouse and then to DHL.  Even as I write, another document is winging its way to a destination 16000 km. away.  That's 10000 miles to the non-metric folks.

In the evening, dinner at Sweed's and Benna's -- an Indonesian spread I could not find it in my heart to refuse, but my taste buds rebelled, so instead of partaking of most of the dishes, I focused on a pot of chicken stewed Asian style, which was Lavinia's contribution.  AW's share was dessert -- chocolate bonbons with liquor and coconut scrapings which he made himself.  Didn't eat those either.

In the shot is an old toy on Benna's bookshelf which her grandchildren sometimes play with.

A peaceful day which was fully appreciated.  Thanks for visiting!

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