Glory Days

It has been a glorious day weather wise and the forester decided it was time to dig up the kumara/sweet potatoe crop.  Yesterday he had been to see his fishing and gardening friend Alan who had already lifted his kumaras.  Alan said the Kumara leaves are good mulch around fruit trees so that is where all the greenery went.  Then the Kumara were dug and some of them of them were huge.  I thought they might be tough but we had one for dinner and it was fine.  They dried out in the sun and this evening have been brought onto the deck  so they won't get damp overnight.  Tomorrow they will be wrapped in paper and stored in boxes in the garage.  I will need to find a website for a hundred and one ways to cook Kumara. 
I off course had nothing to do with the planting or care but I still feel happy we have had success.  

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