Good, Better, Best

Parker’s team won their second game 14-0. He even scored. Best of all, my DIL says, as senior citizens, we can get a free pass card for all school sports games. That will save each of us $6/game which adds up when there are multiple games each week. We were up before 5:00 am this morning. Hubby had to be at the surgical center by 6:05. We were actually early since we prepared everything we needed last night. Everything went fine with the surgery. He only had a local so he was awake-no thanks! We were home by 8:30 including two stops where I got the two flower shots. The first was taken at an entrance to a neighborhood along our route. I liked the design but the pansies could have been fuller. Hence, the “good” rating. The second flowers were in our friend’s garden by her driveway. These cute daffodils are a different variety than any I have. They get a “best” rating. Hubby’s bandaged hand will hopefully get “better” each day. He is very independent; let’s hope he gives it sufficient time to remain immobile and heal. When we got home, I did two loads of laundry that included my son’s streaked good white shirts. Three of the four look ok but I was unable to remove the stains that looked like burns. Hopefully he’ll check his dryer for rusted edges, etc that’s causing these stains. He provided sides for our lunch when I dropped the shirts off. Hubby lost track of time and the anesthesia wore off before he took his first pain pill. How unfortunate. It is hard to stop the pain once it takes hold. Dinner is cooked so we are free the rest of the day. I foresee a nap on the horizon. Thanks for the visit. Stay safe. “Sometimes we must yield control to others and accept our vulnerability so we can be healed.”
― Kathy Magliato

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