Pre-Mono Monday: Week 479 ...

... From your window.

As you can see the weather today did not allow for outdoor activities such as walking.  So we spent the afternoon shopping instead.  

I've opted to post my Pre-Mono Monday blip today instead of Sunday as we will be going on a special adventure tomorrow.  Hopefully this adventure will be more successful than yesterday's.  

Please remember that this coming Mono Monday's theme is "From your window."   And that means exactly that!  A picture taken from your window ..... it could be from your house, car, apartment, work window, etc.  Wherever you find something interesting.  And you can either shoot through a closed window or have it open. I shot the above picture from inside my car waiting in the Costco gas queue. 

Please tag your Monday entries MM479.  I'm looking forward to seeing what you get from your window!

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