When I haven’t been in bed in the last three weeks, I’ve spent a lot of time in my “Quiet Room” - surrounded by the things that bring me joy.

I’m an avid reader so there are books everywhere - some started, many to be read and some consigned to the “if I’ve got nothing else to do, I might finish it” pile and that’s only one part of the room!

The board on the left is made up of cards sent to me during the lockdown - and there are more to be added from recent months - I’m definitely a hoarder of cards!

The machinery for today’s Wide Wednesday theme is my MacBook Pro, which sits, mostly unused, on my desk.


Things that look nice, but are actually pretty worthless (not my things, I hasten to add!)

Shockingly, this is a very old, medieval English saying, and not one that was invented in reference to a current politician.

P.S.  Many thanks, once again, for your kind comments, stars and hearts - I think I may have turned the corner, as for the first time in about 3 weeks, I’ve woken up without a raging sore throat.  As I said to Mr. HCB, I don’t think I could climb a mountain, but might manage a gentle slope, given time!

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