So Moving

There are several Ukrainians in our organisation, and this morning a few  of them told their stories, ending with this woman singing -  in Ukrainian, so not sure what it was about, but most of the Ukrainians were in tears. Actually, almost everyone was.

Remainder of the day translating almost non-stop in varied situations. And then a meeting with all the folk from Britain, including our AGM. No nap and no walk out. Looking forward to a shower, a read, and bed.

- the inspiring bravery of our Ukrainian colleagues; most of them could have left, but like their president, chose not to
- photos from Trapiá of Tom having a go at milking a goat, an armadillo drinking it, and Eden sitting on the goat
- so many fantastic people (Mike is still talking to folk, but I've had enough)
- also, the music, see the harmonica guy here

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