Why stand when you can sit down to eat?

Today I tried to take some shots of my cockatiel Mieke before I left for the sanctuary and this afternoon at the park, after my walk with Abissha the female Turkish Shepherd dog, I tried to photograph a Heron, a blossoming Rhododendron and another flower that I haven't been able to identify yet. Perhaps my mind was too much on tomorrow afternoon's appointment already but I just couldn't seem to get the settings right. I was about to give up when I spotted the geese with their goslings on my way to my bicycle and finally managed to take some photos that I was less unhappy with than with all the others I'd tried to take before. Most of the time the adult geese didn't let me get a clear shot of the goslings but eventually I did manage to get a few and I chose to blip this one of 1 of the 2 older goslings sitting among 3 of the 7 younger ones.

Earlier today I finished the final adjustments on my bicycle's new brake pads - I've finally discovered that this is their proper name and not brake blocks. I also had a good look at the old ones which were much more severely worn than I'd thought and I was glad that I'd listened to my friend who'd said that I shouldn't ride my bicycle anymore until I'd replaced them! I think I must have done a good job with that as the brakes on my bicycle are now working again the way they should.

I didn't sleep too well last night and shall probably not sleep too well again tonight. This always happens when I have an appointment and I don't know what to expect of it. I shall definitely be glad when it will be over. Unfortunately I shall have to give walking one of the dogs from the sanctuary a miss tomorrow as I would run the risk of being late for my appointment if I did go. I have no idea yet what I could blip tomorrow but I think it would be best if I try to find something before I leave the house as I shall most likely feel too tired for it after my appointment.

Thank you so much for the lovely comments and stars on my Clivia flower blip from yesterday.

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