Golden Brown

No inspiration for a blip today, until the sun suddenly came out late this afternoon and I was struck by the colours and shadows of the guitar as a beam of sunlight hit it. Just managed to get a couple of shots before the sun disappeared again.
An early start to the day as Mrs C was involved in a WI coffee morning first thing, and I had promised her a bacon bun to set her up for the day. She left at 8 and I followed an hour or so later for a PT session at the gym. A very strenuous hour followed, with my arms and abs getting a proper battering. Which might explain why I spent the afternoon doing very little except watching the telly and having a nap!
Roused myself in time to make tea but not in time to go out tonight. I’d been toying with the idea of going to see an acoustic folk duo at The Bryce this evening, but Mrs C’s worsening cold and my lethargy meant that an evening in front of the telly and an early night seemed a better option. I’m looking forward to the first episode of Anthony Horowitz’s “Magpie Murders”. I enjoyed the book and he has also done the TV adaptation so I have high hopes.
But before it starts, I need to go and tidy the kitchen, which looks as though there has been a food fight in there. Exploding mash in the microwave and sausages falling on the floor have left their mark. Thankfully, the 5 second rule applied so no sausages were lost…

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