Carder in clover

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My favourite bee - the common carder bee - on one of my favourite wildflowers, the red clover, just started it's first flower for the year - once they start, everything else will follow suit. After a day of a nature report saying 60% of UK species have declined in the past decade - this is where I shall preach. Make space for nature. Nature is not untidy. She's natural & pure & she'll provide you with so much happiness & on this side of things, so many fabulous blips! Seriously! Without my stunning wildlife garden, I couldn't have blipped anything, nor shared my sights - I have paradise on my doorstep, you could too...!

And Larry Robin? You could have a Larry too! :)

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I can't really express my feelings over the happenings in Woolwich (once my doorstep), nor can I explain Boston... I just wish the world was a better place... xxx

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