Lighthouse #15

Cats & Fox & Badger on night time Wildlife Camera

The cats all got in first for their share of the nighttime cat biscuits

Then the badger KissyKissy came along while Midnight was still on the swing.

Midnight left, and so the badger took a few cat biscuits off the other end of swing and then proceeded to pull off the blankets Midnight had been sitting on. The badger sniffed and sniffed them, and pulled off a lot more blankets that Midnight had been sitting on, rolled in them, and then he peed on them all. And then he had a very good effort of trying to jump on the swing but he fell down.

Foxy Loxy came along next and wondered what all the blankets were doing on the floor. He did jump on the swing, but he was looking very tentatively around for Midnight who has bopped him on the nose quite a few times. Foxy Loxy got off without eating any biscuits, he has been too well trained by Midnight.

Then the badger, KissyKissy, comes back, and proceeds to eat as many as cat biscuits as he can for the rest of the night...

This video is recorded from a few days ago.

But I am glad to report that putting peppermint oil on the very front of the cushions, the first bit the badger sniffs, is still working to stop him pulling the cat bedding off. But I won't see those sd cards for a few days yet, I watch them in order...

However, that badger, KissyKissy, I am assuming it is, has made merry in the rest of my garden with his "blankies". He has dragged them off the badger washing line and tossed them all over the garden, including some of my protective orange netting off my container vegetable garden.

My next project will have to be rigging up something to really protect my vegetable garden...
However, I ordered something online yesterday (coming today) which had been intended to protect the swing from this darned badger. But, as my peppermint oil is working at the moment to keep that badger from pulling stuff off the swing, this new contraption, I think could work to section off an important area of my container vegetable garden...

Creative is #15 Lighthouse...
I think it is 15...
My lighthouse is wonky, and he looks worse each time I try to straighten him. He looks like he is dancing in the wind. I give up...I need sleep...

I need a nap, I was researching vit B12 all night...and that badger was watching me through my all glass bedroom door. I am finding this a bit spooky. And Midnight was on my bed lashing his tail...

Still another hot cuppa left in my flask...

Have your best kind of day.

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