A Mixed Bag.

I thought it might be an idea to go for the shopping before doing my exercises this morning as my calves felt like they were in a vice when I got up.
They seemed to have relaxed by the time I got home and didn't go back into complete spasm after doing the exercises, so I think I made the right choice.

I took some pictures of a fungus on the Elder bush/tree the other day, which I forgot to download. I found them when I had taken the last set of images of the dead tulip.
So I went out to see how how it was going.
It wasn't. Well, it was going downhill. So I took some more before it is gone completely.

I then went to see what was happening in the pond.
The 'non viable' spawn is going down well with the hatched tadpoles .... a good food source apparently.
The emerging lily pads really caught my eye in the sun - I was really impressed with the pattern and colours on the underside of one of them in particular.

Some things have gone fine at the lathe .... others haven't.
Making eyes is a nightmare ... trying to ensure they are the same (tiny) size. Noses aren't much better.... and when they vanish to Lord knows where as you cut them off .....................
I have no idea how many I lost in the shaving and other places.

Cutting the leather to get mouse ears is another pain. I seem to have real problems in matching pairs - and don't get me started on whiskers for cats!............
I even managed to make a b*lls-up cutting the beard for a Gonk today.

None of these things are major problems but it all adds an inordinate amount of time (and frayed patience) to making simple things. Not good if you are intending trying to sell them.
Still, it passes the time.

There are a load of pictures [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/10180444@N08/]over here[/url].

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