Wowed by Wisteria

We rounded the corner of Netty's house, and bowled over by the sight of this amazing wisteria table setting, the fragrance surrounding us, the sound of bees busy. My beauty fix of the day. Though, actually, there were many others, including in our own garden.

To compensate for a day unsuccessfully trying to track down an inverter - seems ours has burnt out. Ended up going to Badajoz, then to Elvas, but nothing doing to at least after Easter Sunday. As I've always said, can manage without electricity, but not without water!

However, Netty invited us (and Eileen) for dinner, to have showers and do a wash, and fill some water containers. So feeling a lot better. Feeling more sorry for the plants and trees outside - it's hot in the day, and been a long time since any rain. My sweet peas have come up, hope they survive!

- everyone who's tried to help us
- lots of safe driving
- Netty's wondrous generosity

It's Maundy Thursday, but must admit, hardly thought about it, and way too tired to go to the service tonight, shame. We did chat with Netty's girls about it, though. And Netty was definitely practising it - Maundy comes from the Latin for commandment - as Jesus was washing the feet of his disciples, he gave them a new commandment: to love one another as he had loved them.

My laptop battery is running out, so please forgive lack of comments... must try to get it charged somewhere tomorrow.

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