
By dunkyc

The Exchange

With the wind blowing a hoolie and the rain spattering against the skylight, it was a poor night’s sleep.

The day picked up where the night had left off with hail now clattering against the glass, so I gave in and got up to get the car in for its MOT.

It was quite a sedate start to the day as I waited in Nero for an hour for the work to be done. There was a guy on a laptop in the corner who - judging by how hard he was bashing the keys - must have been pretty angry with it or writing a strongly worded email to the makers of the keyboard complaining about its resilience.

Following yesterday’s book conundrum, I decided to plough on with Klara and The Sun and was glad that I did, although frustrated as just the pace picked up, it was time to collect the car, which had passed its exam.

An uncomplicated day at work followed before I headed off down to LadyV’s to spend some time with her and deliver a sideboard I had exchanged with her for a floor lamp. After we’d got it into her house, we wrapped up for a brief perambulation on the prom where we looked back over the bay to the Lakeland hills beyond. I was a little surprised to see that there was actually a light dusting of snow upon some of them, but then remembered how flipping cold it had been the last couple of days.

Either way it was a glorious sight and one which I have once again failed to capture here.

Another lovely evening with her ladyship though.

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