Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Three in a row

It's been pretty busy here today. I had a few minutes to wander in the garden during the afternoon. There is so much beauty provided by the different plants.

Here are three Muscari in a row, growing in our shady garden. I fear that ground elder may overtake them if I am not careful.

The extra is a photo of Pulmonaria.  I love the way the flowers start with different colours and then progress. They do very well against a north facing wall. 

This morning I was the hairdresser and not only washed and set Mum's hair, but I also cut it. The whole process exhausts her, but it was worth it in the end.

My car went for new brakes (front and rear) and then the mechanic said the gears sound a bit rough. (I'm not going to listen to them for a while!)

Annette came to clean, but the plumber, due to visit this afternoon, let her down. She had to go home at lunchtime to let him in and then he did not show. She returned later to finish working here.

I do have some personal news. The orthopaedic surgeon phoned to say I do have bursitis of the left hip. Thankfully, no arthritic changes were seen. He can organise a steroid injection and something called dry needling. That does not sound very nice.

I have to rest for two weeks after the treatment, so I've arranged to have it after the Walking Festival.

My terrible toe is now a different colour from the others! I've walked gingerly around the house and it has not complained too much.

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