Moss and Lichen

Spotted this tree in the wood and thought it looked a bit different. Love the creeping moss and the great circles of lichen.
Decided since it was so sunny and dry, and quite mild this morning to pressure wash all the slabs on the patio. Got everything ready then discovered that the new garden hose that I bought last year doesn’t connect to the pressure washer. I checked all the connectors I had, but nothing worked. Went to the hardware shop at Anstruther, but they couldn’t help. They did suggest a garden mower place in St Andrews, so will try that.
So, instead I mowed the grass and strimmed the edges. That tired me out so I came indoors and read for a while. Later I planted two different varieties of lettuce, then half a dozen kale plants in another bed, and covered it with a tunnel thingy I got in Leven the other day.

I’m very happy to say my sentence was quashed! Although cited for Jury Service this week I got no phone calls to attend. Freedom!!!

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