
By pensionspoet

Odd one out

One of my work colleagues mentioned our 'French Quarter' up behind the ponds today, and when I eventually left the summerhouse, I took time to look at it, and remind myself how lovely it is. It will be nicer when the remaining trees are sorted out, and some new ones are established. I'm going to paint the 4th chair this year. Jon hopes to build a pergola over the patio this summer. We just need to price up the timber. I would like to do more with the lawn, which isn't very nice - perhaps bring my flower bed out to join the small apple tree we planted last year.

I have nothing to say about work - we had another half day of downtime so I have had a very unproductive week. At lunchtime I cycled up to the allotment. Bessie was in the next allotment confused about how to get back over. She is pretty dim. She came over when I got her food out and I was able to lift her over the fence. Then after work I went back down to weed my big bed of the many thistles. A back breaking 2 hours but satisfying. She helped with a bit of scratching. She is a funny hen, and I guess wants company, so happily stays close to me when I'm there. Tonight she had taken herself off to bed before I left.

Luckily for me, the pizza was in the oven, ably constructed by the lovely Mollie. I had nothing to do. It was very tasty as always.
Now I feel shattered, so going to crash out and read while they watch James Bond.

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