
By pensionspoet

My superman

I know I’ve said it before, but this man really can do anything. This afternoon he had some caravan fixing jobs. Due to damp, the wood around the fridge holding it in place had collapsed, and the fridge was falling forwards. Jon managed to remove the old rotten mdf and move the fridge forwards. Then fixed batons either side, fix the fridge directly on to these, and then filled the gaps with some similar wood to give it a nice finish. He also attempted to get the water pumping through to the taps. Our last holiday we just couldn’t get it to work, and he still struggled, so I had a look. I googled the problem and after a bit of wiggling the pipe and the pump thing that goes into the water barrel it started to work. It seems a bit temperamental but at least when we go away at the end of the month we know how to get it working. I was pleased with myself because he was going out to buy another pump thing. So I saved us a bit of money!

Nice to get some sun today, so we went into Cromer first thing to meet the boys for coffee. Henry had stayed at Daniel’s last night, and Josh met us at the cafe. We then wandered around the charity shops and ended up in the model shop where we discovered lots of dolls house items.

I planted more seeds this afternoon and moved about those I had planted previously. So few had come up which was disappointing, and I feel it is probably too late to be planting more tomatoes. I just need to put them all in a warmer place. Even in my heated propagator I only managed to grow tiny fungi! So I’m not wasting any more electricity on it and have put them on the lounge window sill. I think it will be a little warmer than the conservatory is. The kale and spinach have come up, and I’ve put them out into the shed, along with some lettuce. Tomorrow I will look at April seeds - beans I expect. And some more courgette.

Just watched BGT. Really don’t know why they let some acts go through - how can you compare that stupid final act with the children dancing or the pregnant lady singing. Might not watch it tomorrow!

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