Last day blues

It's been a great last day on the Easter Ross peninsula. [For now!] We got a few things done around the house and garden this morning (it's a small pleasure for someone who has lived in a flat for 18 years to be able to dry her washing outside....). I then headed out on a slightly longer and quite a bit hillier route on the bike to enjoy the rolling hills above Tain. Then soon enough it was time to head out to Shandwick Beach (blip) for the evening swim and blether. The light was amazing (and the clouds - see extra). But unusually for us, that was not the end of it, and after a swift turn around we headed out to Inver for dinner. There we caught some more amazing evening light both before dinner (extras 2 and 3) and afterwards (extra 4 - on the phone). It felt quite special to have visited the east and west sides of the peninsula during the evening.

So...not much writing has happened on this trip, which I'm a bit disappointed about, but I did do the one thing that had to be done, so that's good. I also didn't read all that much, which has largely been because I've been quite tired, I think. But I'm really pleased, and quite surprised, by the amount we've got done in the garden. I didn't really think we would have a brand new front bed by the end of Easter. This has resulted in us changing some of our plans for the coming weeks in order to make use of that bed.

We will, in the immortal words, be back.

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