April 14

The first tulip! I planted a few very early tulips and the first clump bloomed today, there were 3 of them.
Another day of sunshine and the temperature in the truck this afternoon said 17 C. Even this morning it was nice. I dress in layers, and the first layer came off even before I started working.
My rather spoiled cat is on the desk beside me tonight. I think she has been missing having me home during the day. Plus the roommate is working full time now, so he is not around as often. Peaches figured out how to open the linen cupboard door yesterday, she must have been bored or she wanted a place to get away from Livvy. Livvy does not jump on very many things, she won't jump from the floor to the vanity. Even when she was younger, she rarely jumped on things.
Still trying to decide where to go tomorrow, but I am leaning more towards a trip to the valley. One of the garden centers on the south shore has their opening day tomorrow, but one of the markets in the valley just received their first shipment of houseplants, and there are 2 garden centers there that have opened in the past 10 days.

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