Royal friendships by Odile Hughson

This afternoon we had an outing to Odile's house for afternoon tea. We really enjoyed meeting her husband David for the first time, and a couple of hours of very interesting conversation. This included (amongst other things) discussing Lorna Lloyd (Odile has just read the war diary in the LornaL journal), and learning about the Orléans family exiled in Britain in the nineteenth century. For tea, David made the scones, Odile the lemon cake, and I the chocolate chip cookies. Mr hazelh, who did not contribute to the table, probably devoured more than anyone else. Just before we left, Odile gave me a copy of her book (blipped).

The decorators came for a short while this morning. They wanted to finish off the paintwork so that everything is in order to hang the wallpaper tomorrow and (hopefully) finish the whole job. I have saved a couple of cookies for them to help spur on the work. While they were working in the guest wing, I baked and then went for a run.

I'm hoping to persuade Mr hazelh to play a game or two this evening.

Exercise today: 7k run; walking (20,560 steps including run).

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