
Little Man and I went to church this morning. It has been a while since we last went, but I'm glad we went. It was the first time since the accident that I didn't wear sunglasses when we went out. People did sneak second looks or stares, but nobody asked any awkward questions, even at church. Little Man had a blast at crèche and I'm really glad about that.

We picked up a few things on the way home, and then we spent some time relaxing as a family. Hubby then asked if I'd be able to pop to the corner shop to get him something to get him through the next week. Little Man stayed home, so it gave me some time to enjoy the park on route to and from the corner shop.

We're off to Spain in 8 days! I'm really excited, and i'm looking forward to sharing it with you on PolarSteps. To follow along on our adventures, click here..

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