An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

If you go down to the woods today...

You'll find Lola, living her best life!  :-)

Decided to go out for lunch today.  David chose the venue.  No prizes for guessing where...the golf club!

We both had the same.  It was described as a chicken burger but it was much healthier (and tastier IMHO) chargrilled chicken breast on a bun, topped with slices of melted halloumi cheese (well as melted as halloumi gets) with chilli jam on top, served with a lovely salad and coleslaw.  Yum.

Since the weather was so lovely we thought about spending the afternoon in Aberfeldy but that would have meant sitting in the car for a chunk of the day and we decided we would rather make the most of the weather, so ended up in the garden again.  Not complaining.

We are seeing out best friends Agnes and Adrian on Saturday night and it's become a tradition now for us to go away with them for a short break at the end of November / early December (started off 2 nights now we go for a week :-) and I had hoped to have something booked before we saw them on Saturday.  

I'd spent some time online last week looking at holiday cottages and had identified a few suitable ones in Northumberland (we enjoyed it so much last year we decided to return) so D and I sat in the Gin Palace and went through the ones I'd identified and agreed the first one was perfect.  It allows dogs so Lola can come too!  :-)

D was going to book online but had a couple of questions so ended up phoning and five minutes later we were all confirmed, booked and deposit paid.  Yay!  Won't tell Agnes and Adrian till we see them on Saturday.  It will be a lovely surprise. 

Having eaten a substantial lunch neither of us fancied dinner so D's gone across to the golf club to play nine holes and I am menu planning for the weekend and getting my online Tesco order done.  Feeling a wee bit peckish now though so I suspect tea and toast will be enjoyed come supper time :-)

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