Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Do you hear the cuckoo?

I went up to Wark first thing to have a short walk. Julie was looking after Mum. Joan could not come because her daughter had an emergency admission to hospital yesterday. It makes me realise how fragile our support system is, if something happened to a carer.

Joan will be back tomorrow and hopefully all will be well.

My walk was short for three reasons. The first was because the wild flowers were stunning and I took lots of photos. Every year, I love my first sighting of the cuckoo flower (lady's smock). I saw one hiding by a gate, but then many more by the riverside  path.

The second reason was because I had long chats with 4 lots of people. The first was a man with a magnificent German Shepherd. The dog was carrying a ball but is truly obsessed with finding stones. The owner had several in his pocket already and has to discard them sureptitiously.

Then there was a local man with his four chocolate labs. I kid you not! They were very friendly but could have easily knocked me over.

Then the couple of retired farmers from Oxfordshire, celebrating their 59th wedding anniversary. Sadly they did not want a photo.

Finally Ann, with her black lab and her four year old rescue Newfoundland. What a handful, but a delight too. She nearly felled another walker, but just pushed her up against a gate.

The third reason is the tiresome one, because Horrible Hip and Terrible Toe were painful. I'd forgotten to take painkillers!

I had a sleep this afternoon. I hope the B12 kicks in soon.

The extra is a glorious flower, glowing by the stream but with the horrible name of skunk cabbage. There used to be one or two plants. Now there are loads. I read that it is an invasive alien and should be contained.

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