Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Ingrid Pollard

This morning Claire came and cut my hair. I've had it shorter ready for the walking festival.
I made two sorts of biscuits, ready for Mum's friends, Rosemary and Jill coming this afternoon. They had one each so I may have to find someone to eat them. (They are delicious, but I should not have them all!)

This evening, the Hexham Photography Group hosted an evening with Ingrid Pollard, Turner nominated artist. About 60 people turned up which was great.

The sound in the Forum Cinema was awful. It is great for films, but not good for the spoken word, even with microphones and loudspeakers.

I strained to hear and was hanging on to every word. She talked about her work from early on until now. Fascinating. She was asked if she spends a lot of time working in the studio, but she said she spends most of the time "in my head".

She also said that her work is a silent communication with unknown viewers. 

Her images are often made anonymous by cropping to keep the head out of the image, so I have made my thumbnail like that.

She agreed to have her image made by me and we had to move so that the light from the cinema screen was on her. I have a straight image, but I liked her expression in this one.

Read more here and elsewhere on the web.

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