Blippers at a birthday party

nadinepierce's birthday party in Carlops this evening doubled-up as a blipmeet. Pictured here are SparklyConverse (bottom left - just), myself, Livresse, nadinepierce, thechimp, and thebear. Sallymair was also at the party but had left before I realised that a blipper selfie would make a good shot for my journal today :-(

Almost thirty-four years ago, thechimp and I started our first lecturer posts in the same department. We worked together closely for a decade with colleagues who socialised a lot outside work with their partners, so it was lovely to see him and thebear again in person. This evening Livresse reminded me that she and I met once before some time in the early 1990s. I can just about remember the occasion, but not sufficiently to pinpoint the date. (I bet that I could find it in an old diary, if required, however).

The extras give an sense of the dance floor fun at the party. Mr hazelh and I proudly sported our 'kitchen disco' T shirts (first extra). The second extra captures me with Darcie, Wiebke, nadinepierce, and  SparklyConverse, with Dr S photo-bombing us at the back.

We travelled to the party from Biggar having spent the afternoon and early evening with Bella and David. We had planned to go for a walk with them and Rosie the pup, but the weather was so grey and cold that we stayed indoors, chatted, and played Catan.

This morning we caught up on household tasks, and went for a run.

Exercise today: 7k run, dancing, walking (18,899 steps including running and dancing).

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