John Lennon

Paul and I went on the train to Liverpool for a spot of geocaching today. There are a couple of Beatles related adventure labs that I had already done but Paul hadn't so we stopped off to do a couple of the stages. 

I used Photoshop to merge the two photos which is something I have only done once before in blip and, coincidentally, it was for the very same Beatles adventure lab back in August 12th 2020  . 

The left half of the photo was taken on Matthew Street by the old Cavern club, I say it is John Lennon but its not a very good likeness in my opinion. The right half was taken outside Ye Cracke pub which is a place John Lennon used to frequent when he was at art school (as you can tell from the plaque)

Album of the Day (not the Beatles) - Move - The Move (1968)

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