Apr 27

Does my butt look fat?
Peaches has to try to get into every drawer and every cupboard. I opened the drawer to get some plastic wrap and she climbed in. She was able to turn around and come out on her own.
Peaches has my roommate trained, lol. She tries to open a cupboard door in his room, but can't quite do it. So he opens it for her, she looks in for a minute or 2, decides that nothing has changed, so she leaves. This happens on a daily basis.
A cool, gray, misty day with showers while I was out tonight for a consultation. We worked this morning on a property in Herring Cove. There are at least 4 roads with the same name in the area I cover for work. I have properties on 2 of them, so have to be very specific when I send the address to my workers. Then there are similar customer names. I have Laurel at 44 Shore Rd and Laurie at 64 Shore Rd, but they are not neighbors. They are about 25 km apart.
Then I have another 2 customers with the same first name and only one letter different for their last name. One time last year, MV emailed me, but when I looked at the email on my phone, I didn't have my glasses on, and just saw it was from M. I started wondering why MM was emailing me and what was she talking about, someone was supposed to be at her place on the weekend. Normally MM will message me on FB or call me. Then I put my glasses on to read it better and realized it was from MV, not MM.

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