Sir Chase

Another rainy day but I will not complain; we need it. I did absolutely nothing other than shower and dress for our outing this afternoon. Millie and I had a short Kindle time and I looked at your journals, my texts and e-mail. We decided to have Chase’s birthday cake before we left since it will be so late when we get home. We arrived a bit early so Chase and I visited the book store (of course) while the rest of the family milled about. If you aren’t familiar with Medieval Times, you are served your meal with no utensils. We will watch jousting and other such entertainment while we dine. Before we went into the “great hall”, Chase was Knighted in honor of his 16th birthday. He was such a good sport. And now it is time for our feast so I will enjoy the rest of our evening. Chase will have great memories of this birthday as will we. Hubby is weathering the storms. He will be home tomorrow evening to tell me all about it. I hope your weekend has been fun as well. Thank you kindly for all the stars, hearts and wonderful comments. Stay safe.
“BEHIND YOU. all your memories.
BEFORE YOU. all your dreams
AROUND YOU. all who love you
WITHIN YOU. all you need.
HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY!” - unknown

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