Floating Anemones

The result of a not very successful experimentation. They are growing in a trough on my front doorstep.

A wonderful shower to begin the day - still a novelty after hospital - followed by a visit to the nurse to dress the wound on my ankle/heel. I persuaded her I didn't need to come so often as the wound seems to be getting better. If it were warm enough, I could sit without shoes and socks and I'm sure it would get better really quickly.

Then to Finkins for a bacon sandwich. Have managed to book a hair appointment for Friday lunchtime. At the moment I look like Madam Sprout from Harry Potter.

Home to do some work on the backend of the Travel Group website then prepared veggies ready for beef stew in the slow cooker. Len didn't understand that slow is slow, and it will not be ready tonight. He's making spagbol.

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