Caneuon yng nghywair amser

Caneuon yng nghywair amser ~ Songs in the key of time

“For me the noise of Time is not sad: I love bells, clocks, watches - and I recall that at first photographic implements were related to techniques of cabinetmaking and the machinery of precision: cameras, in short, were clocks for seeing, and perhaps in me someone very old still hears in the  photographic mechanism the living sound of the wood.”
― Roland Barthes

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Rydyn ni wedi defnyddio'r hen gas cloc hwn i gadw ein hallweddi am ychydig nawr. Heddiw gofynnodd Nor'dzin i fi ei roi ar y wal oherwydd y roedd hi angen y gofod silff. Felly dyma fe. Er i'r hen gloc farw, mae'r hen gas yn parhau. Cymerais yr amser hefyd i wneud dalfa fagnetig gyda dau fagnet ac un pin tynnu - roedd hynny'n hwyl.

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We've used this old clock case to store our keys for a while now. Today Nor'dzin asked me to put it on the wall because she needed the shelf space. So here it is. Although the old clock has died, the old case lives on. I also took the time to make a magnetic catch with two magnets and one pull pin - that was fun.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Hen gas cloc yn storio allweddi
Description (English): An old clock case storing keys

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