
By pensionspoet

Weybourne Village Hall garden

I took this photo of the small area of garden outside the village hall in Weybourne where we go to yoga on a Tuesday. For several weeks there have been people working hard on this patch of ground, turning it into a lovely picturesque space for the community to enjoy. It is still being worked on, and I can see a hole which looks like it might become a pond soon. I'm looking forward to seeing how it grows and fills out through the summer. It is a nice village.

I had a first at work today. I delivered the pensions slot in the pre retirement course. Supported by my colleague Daniel who is also a new Team Manager. It is something that use to be delived my Matthew my old team leader, but since the restructuring where he has moved teams, the job has fallen on us. Not ideal as I hadn't even attended a course to see it delivered by Matthew, but I think it went OK. The powerpoint slides need a revamp though, so we plan to look at those before the next course in July.

After work we had a relaxing hour plus at yoga. The sun was streaming into the hall. We got back and had dinner with Mollie and Henry, and are now finishing with some tv. We have a very early morning tomorrow as Mollie needs to be at the hospital for 7am.

So an early night beckons.

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