Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

"Faith, Inspiration and Stitch"

Quiet morning during which I managed to give the patio a wash and brush up. Not much to show for it, but very satisfying.

Today was the preview for the Embroiderers' Guild Exhibition in the Galilee Chapel at Durham Catherdral. This form a prequel for the Lindisfarne Gospels exhibition. Embroiderers in the North East were invited to prepare work. One theme was Knots and Crosses and the other was to use the Gospels as inspiration.

Mum completed her 2 pieces and here she is with one of them. This illuminated M is inspired by the frontispiece of Matthew's Gospel. You can't really see the very fine gold work or the tiny beads that were stitched into the piece.

We met lots of her friends. The exhibition is amazing - varied work of a very high standard. Do go and see it is you are near Durham. It's well worth the trip, even if you know nothing about embroidery.

Durham was grey, wet and cold outside the cathedral; it was quite cold inside but there was such a lot of warm chatter that we stopped noticing the temperature!

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