Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

To boldly go!

Here is J, 18 months old, and totally unfazed by climbing up the highest slide in the village playground. His grandma can't reach any higher to support him and he doesn't care!

J and his big sister, E, aged 4, came to see us this afternoon. They are delightful children and easy to entertain. I've posted a couple of other images from today in my Blipfolio. I wasn't sure which to blip.

I had an early start because I had to be in Newcastle in time for a 9am appointment for Arth. He's been measured for a brace which may, if I'm lucky, arrive before I go to Bulgaria. Arth has been in a lot of pain today which has a knock on effect for me. Pauline loaned me a TENS machine and that has helped.

Looking forward to an early night and a slow start tomorrow - I had hoped to walk with the short walkers tomorrow........

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