
It was a beautiful morning to walk Django (see extra - same rapeseed field as last night) and I then had an immediate distraction from marking, when Airbnb cancelled a three-day booking for our holiday in July. Fortunately I managed to get something booked that wasn't much more. Then, I got stuck into marking properly and, by the end of the afternoon I'd marked two of the five questions. 

We needed a few groceries, and it seemed like a good idea to combine that with taking Django for a walk. However, I forgot to pick him up, only remembering when I saw a couple walking their dog. He was sitting faithfully and patiently for me... We were walking back along the route of the Penicuik Hunter and Lass pram race when it was due to start, so I found a good place to stop. There were only four entries, but they were of good quality. The fire brigade (as Celtic FC) had a very healthy lead, but they looked much fitter than the "Peaky Blinders" who came along next!

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