Brayford. Again!

A late start today after a latish night. Last night I was really tired and probably should have gone to bed earlier than I did. The sea air played its part no doubt! What should have been a relaxed morning was spoilt by problems with my mobile phone. It is fairly new but for some reason had stopped ringing and started sending every call straight to voicemail. I'd missed quite a few calls because of this issue.

After trying various methods of sorting it out myself to no avail even with input from Brian, he ended up having to call Virgin media. He is the account holder and they will only deal with him so I could not do it myself. 

They suggested a few things, some of which we'd already tried and some things we'd not thought of. During our earlier attempts I had turned off calls via WiFi, and she told me to turn this back on. Could I find it again? No I couldn't! Eventually I did manage to switch it on and it fixed it. It being off had not been the initial cause though, as it was only today that I switched it off.

Glad it's sorted now, and she did say that I could get a cheaper sim only plan for my phone too so that's a bonus!

After all that I went into town to collect my medication from Boots and to get a Blip. The weather is not so bright and sunny as yesterday, the wind seems to be picking up too. I went to the Brayford again - a different vantagepoint this time though.

Now comes the business of putting the food from the ancient 30 year old freezer into the shiny new one we took delivery of yesterday. The new one is a front opening one rather than a chest one so it should be easier to find things now!

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