Lucky Socks!

Well the packing for Magic Weekend is almost complete! Yesterday though I realised that my lucky Cherry and White "rugby" socks were in the wash-basket. And as there wasn't enough similar items to make up a machine load I had to resort to hand washing them in the bathroom sink! They are still damp in this photo, and are now back on the indoor drier.

They are there because today's weather has been dull, drizzly and damp. Where is Summer? It was forecast to be warm and sunny this week. They lied! I know East Midlands often gets the crappy end of the weather stick - maybe elsewhere is better?

It has been a "Home" day today - the first in weeks! I've done the packing obviously, and some cleaning (Boring!) and fetched something to make in advance for tomorrow nights' tea so I'm not cooking at 8PM!

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