Capital adventures

By marchmont

My heart

I was up fairly early, for a Sunday, and after making a list drove to Margiotta to get items for tonight's meal, drive in case I needed to head to Tesco but that proved unnecessary. I also bought croissants for breakfast. 

Home I made salmon and asparagus quiche and strawberry fool, watered a couple of plants in the front, they revived, and set up the new solar lights, front and back. The string ones were tangled and despite a lot of effort one small bit remains tangles.

It was back on the lounger for the untangling and Y's Kate Atkinson. I think it was hotter than yesterday and not a cloud. No radio either, just birdsong and the him off conversation from next door. I even saw the wren, which got very exercised about something, not Willow - she was flat out under a bush.

H and M arrived just after 6. He's off on his 2 month expedition across Germany in a couple of days. We sat in the garden and they told me about their Guernsey trip, not impressed, and his plans. It was still warm but we ate inside. I now have quiche and asparagus to add to things M does not like and peas (raw sugar snap) to M's list.  

The long days are misleading. It was still light but nearly 10 before they left and I fed next door's moggies. Then I finished Kate Atkinson #2 and blipped the new solar lights. 

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