If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Garden Snail ( Cornu aspersa )

My main task in the garden today was the removal of a large Pendulous Sedge (  Carex pendula).  It is a native plant that was probably brought into the garden by one of the periodic floods.  It is quite a graceful plant so we had let it grow.  Now it had got large and was not in the best place and we wanted to make changes in that area.

While training I had quite a bit of horticulture experience and during several decades of teaching Rural Studies I gained more.  Nobody had ever suggested I would need an axe and hedge trimmer to remove an herbaceous plant.  Somebody is thinking what on earth was he doing with a two-stroke hedge trimmer and an axe against a sedge,  Well the foilage laughed at the hand shears so out came the hedge trimmer.  The use the spade to chop it into pieces and dig out.  No!  Even jumping up and down on the spade I couldn't get it more than an inch or so into the root ball.  So out came the axe.

The blip is a garden snail that decided "doing a runner" was probably best when your home is coming apart round your ears.  Fits in nicely with 30 days wild.

In the afternoon we went to the village social club where we had a very interesting talk about defibrillators.  The gentleman had a demonstration model which made all I had heard about them become clear.  There was also the chance for those who wanted to practice CPR.

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