Looking Out My Window

I’ve felt a bit like James Stewart in “Rear Window” today. My chest was really playing up and all I’ve been capable of - between bouts of coughing - is sitting in the chair and either dozing or staring out of the window. Unlike James Stewart, I didn’t see any of my neighbours acting suspiciously, but I did see this pair of Goldfinches hopping around in the garden. They were there for quite some time but I didn’t want to risk disturbing them by going outside, so had to grab this picture through the window.
And whilst it may look like they’re in the middle of a wild meadow, it is in fact our front lawn, which has not only gone through “No Mow May” but is also currently benefiting from what I like to call “No Mow June”. Not from any deliberate intent on my part, more due to sheer laziness!
As I haven’t coughed as much this evening, I’m hoping I might actually now be over the worst of whatever this lurgy is and will feel better tomorrow morning. I might even feel up to mowing the lawn…

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