
By dunkyc

Patience and Pianos

The Youngest had mentioned a while back that she was keen to give piano lessons a try.

With a birthday looming, I thought that this could be a nice thing to form part of her present, but with the myriad of existing social engagements they already have and the back and forth between parent’s houses it is not easy to fit in another activity, but fortunately, her new piano teacher; Jenny (pictured), is nothing if not patient* and had been able to find a gap that worked for us all.

To avoid any long term commitment, I billed it as a “taster session” to The Youngest and we could take it from there…

She did great and really seemed to be listening, taking everything on board and asking the right questions. Jenny seemed to be pleased too and decorated her with a swathe of stickers for her efforts. 

So nice for The Youngest to have a hobby for herself and I really hope she sticks with the lessons we’ve booked in!

*Her patience is evidenced by the fact that she tried to teach me. A man with no musical ability whatsoever. Even the triangle is a stretch.

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