Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Old bag and new

We woke - rather abruptly due to a malfunctioning security alarm - to a cloudy, drizzly day.  We had been planning to mow the area of grass that Husky cannot reach, but instead we have spent the day indoors.

W brought four "green bags" from Pick and Pay in South Africa when he moved to the UK in 2004.  He tells me he probably got them in 1996/7.  So they've lasted well.  We lost one - left it somewhere - a few years ago.  And another tore irretrievably just a couple of weeks ago.  The remaining two are looking rather worn.  But they're just the right shape and size for supermarket shopping.

So I'm making new bags to the same size and design.  It was W who suggested reusing some of the curtains.  The first one has finally made it from the planning phase to the execution - but the next one I'll do different, and hopefully more quickly.

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