
By dunkyc

Hard Time

As far as the children were concerned it was crisis management in the continuing absence of the internet.

I knew that we had to be out of the house, so we all took a walk into town to gather a few bits. As far as I was concerned, their respective sock drawers were also in need of some crisis management. Thrilling stuff, no?

We came back and had some lunch whilst I surveyed my yard. My neighbour, who had only recently seen it for the first time and runs a gardening business had commented that it had bags of potential, but questioned why I hadn’t moved my log storage to the unused space on the other side of the wall? I had honestly never even contemplated that before, but with the idea having taken root in my brain, I set to work.

The Youngest joined me a little while in to see what I was doing and then asked if she could help, so between us, we moved three log stores and some associated gubbins out into the wasteland adjoining the yarden wall. I’ll see if any of the neighbours kick up a stink about it, but in my defence, already the space looks about a million times better than it dead before AND I now have more free space in the yarden - see above.

Whilst The Youngest helped me out, m’boy had set about winning a bet with me that he couldn’t occupy himself for a few hours without using a screen. Whilst he was delighted with his winnings, I’m hoping the message got through to him, that there is life to enjoy without a screen in front of your face.

He said, whilst typing with a screen in front of his face…

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